Believe in Scotland

Join today and become a Believe in Scotland member

Why should you join Believe in Scotland with a monthly donation?

You can make a monthly donation of any amount, for as little as £5 a month you can become a Believe in Scotland Stakeholder Member (If you would like to donate a higher amount monthly you can do so by selecting a different amount option below).

As a Stakeholder Member you will be invited along to our monthly online Stakeholder Meetings, hosted by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp which take place on the first Tuesday of every month.

Please note that recurring donations will continue until you stop them. You can do this by cancelling your direct debit directly with us or via your bank branch.

If you'd rather donate by bank transfer or cheque or if you are having trouble donating via the online system, please email us at [email protected].

Paid monthly

Your information
Contributions are not tax deductible.

3. Payment information

£ 10.00
paid monthly