How much did BiS raise at the Edinburgh March and Rally?

The Edinburgh March and Rally for an Independent Scotland in the EU on the 2nd of September 2023 was a great success. Massive crowds gathered to listen to a series of uplifting and positive speeches by leading activists, politicians and young people.

As part of our commitment to financial transparency and openness here is an explanation of the costs of the event and the donations received on the day. 


The costs of putting on the event range from the major costs of the staging and sound system to insurance, graphic design and printing of flyers and leaflets, transportation, the cost of high visibility vests and lanyards for stewards, photography and filming and donations made to Independence Live and Broadcasting Scotland who covered the event. Total costs amounted to £6,974 

Grant from the Scottish Independence Foundation 

Believe in Scotland and Yes for EU were very grateful to have received a grant of £3,000 from The Scottish Independence Foundation. This grant money was put towards the upfront costs of the event allowing us to launch our March and Rally programme.


The revenues from the event came mainly from collections during the march. A team of eleven volunteers asked for donations via collection buckets which amounted to £4,336.29. From card donations on the day and additional donations made prior to the event to either Believe in Scotland and Yes for EU, we raised an additional £1,005.89 for the event. So total revenues amounted to £5,342.18

Financial Transparency 

In order to maintain our reputation for financial transparency, we sought advice and involvement from the Scottish Independence Foundation, who have helped manage and oversee collections at other independence rallies. The collection buckets were sealed before collections started and were only opened in front of a representative of the Scottish Independence Foundation, who confirmed the validity of the count. 

The notes collected were paid into the bank and receipts shown to SIF. The coins collected were paid into a SIF bank account (which had coin counting facilities) then transferred electronically to our account.

Totals Before Grant Support

The event costs were £6,974

The event revenues (collection buckets and other donations) were £5,342.18

Therefore, the event made a loss of £1,631.82

Including Grant Support

Including all of the SIF donation in the event, a surplus of £1,368.18 remains which will help fund future campaigning activity, including our plans to host two similar events in 2024. Believe in Scotland has already started planning two rallies for 2024 (council and police permissions TBC). 
