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Is devo-max a credible option for Scotland?

Many people ask; “why can’t we just have devo-max?”. We researched the facts and found the following:  The truthDevo-max remains a largely undefined term, and therefore, unlike federalism, does not offer a defined constitutional solution. Devo-max would also have to be voted for by the House of Commons to be implemented and thus, is not up to...

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Are smaller independent nations economically disadvantaged

Does the UK’s size help Scotland's economy? A key argument against independence is that the size of the UK domestic market is advantageous to the Scottish economy.  Whereas that might provide some advantage to Scotland it is also worth noting that economic benefits flow in both directions. For example, the fact that Scottish oil revenues kept the UK afloat in the...

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Why leave one union (UK) to join another (EU)?

Several people have requested the answer to the question “why would Scotland leave one union, the UK, to join another, the EU?”To make sense, this question relies on the premise that the two unions are similar in how they impact on national sovereignty when they clearly are not.  A better way to look at the question is to ask what...

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Would an independent Scotland be in the EU?

It is probably not surprising that during Brexit week that the most frequently asked questions on the site relates to Scotland’s membership of the EU. Would Scotland be a member of the EU? Could it become a member of the EU? and would there be a referendum on joining the EU in an independent Scotland?The first point to observe is...

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Does independence put our pensions at risk? 

Many people ask and it's not unreasonable to do so, will their pensions be a risk in the case of independence for Scotland. We say that the question instead should be whether pensions are at risk now, whilst Scotland is still part of the UK? We researched the facts and we found the following: The TruthPensioners are worse off in...

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