What’s next?
We are creating a national database for grassroots Yes groups to manage their memberships and campaigns. Every local group will have a login and be able to manage their members and canvassing data online, print off street maps & analytical data, send email and text blasts to volunteers etc.
When the next official Yes campaign starts they will also be provided with canvassing apps so that their volunteers can collect canvas data from their phones and add it to the database. We will conduct large sample polling that the Yes movement can trust and use it for messaging and targeting, which will then be shared with all groups and parties.
We will run more campaigning events such as the March and Rally in Edinburgh on the 2nd of September 2023, which was a huge success. Pictures from the event can be viewed here. See also the 2024 March and Rally in Glasgow here and more information about our September 18th 2024 Rally and Broadcast from Holyrood here.
Independence Ambassador training will also be provided to activists to help them engage and educate undecided voters.
We will also be using light projectors to light up buildings with key messages in 2024/25 and rolling out our culture and values based Creating Scotland Roadshow in 2025.
In short, we have laid the foundations for the most professional data driven political campaign ever run in Europe and we will win.
That's just the tip of the iceberg - we won't share most of our plans as we do not wish to give the opposition too much of a heads-up.