The simple 3 point strategy to Deliver Independence - Believe in Scotland invited to speak at SNP Conference


Friday, August 30, 2024 at 4:30 PM

Edinburgh International Conference Centre

The Exchange, 150 Morrison Street The Moorfort Room - Level 0, Edinburgh Map

Believe in Scotland to speak an SNP Conference Fringe Event 

Believe in Scotland has been invited to speak at Peterhead SNP’s conference fringe event to talk about the Believe in Scotland Citizens’ Convention proposal, the three point strategy for the independence movement and our route to independence.

The event is to be hosted by Karen Adam MSP. Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp (GMK) will take us though Believe in Scotland’s strategy for delivering independence. How the political and grassroots arms of the independence movement can work better together and facilitate a new national conversation that can drive breakthrough levels of independence support and knock down Westminster’s barriers to Scotland’s independence. Before being joined on a panel for a Q&A session by Ruth Ritchie of Yes Annandale, Jacqui Jensen of Yes Perth and Kinross and David Spacey of Yes for EU.

NOTE: Believe in Scotland, is completely political party neutral and open to considering invitations to speak at other pro-indy party conferences.

Attendees: This event is only open to SNP conference delegates and elected members. As noted above, Believe in Scotland are open to considering invitations to speak at other pro-indy party conferences


August 30, 2024 at 4:30pm - 5:30pm


Edinburgh International Conference Centre
The Exchange, 150 Morrison Street
The Moorfort Room - Level 0
Edinburgh EH3 8EE
United Kingdom
Google map and directions