Who are the Believe in Scotland National Campaign Steering Group?

Believe in Scotland is a fully democratic and inclusive grassroots-led independence campaign. 

A coalition of 142 affiliated local and national grassroots Yes Groups, Believe in Scotland is managed by an elected National Campaign Steering Group, consisting of representatives and deputy representatives of 17 regions of Scotland and from 11 National Independence Campaign Organisations.  

The second round of elections to the National Campaign Steering Group took place in August/September 2023. Representatives are elected by the local Yes Groups in each of our 17 regions (you can see a list of our affiliated groups here). Representatives from national organisations have been chosen internally by the national organisation. 

The Campaign Steering Group are in daily communication on campaign developments and plans via our online project management system and we operate a series of ‘task and finish’ subgroups to deliver specific projects, such as agreeing on our Route to Independence Statement or indeed designing the process for running the Steering Group elections.  

The National Steering Group officially meets once a month via Zoom for two hours. 

Our democratic engagement does not stop there. We run quarterly All Yes Group meetings where any organiser of an affiliated Yes Group can attend and have a direct say in setting the direction of the campaign.  

Finally, we are hosting our second Scottish Independence Congress on the 28th of October 2023. The congress is the annual conference for the grassroots Yes campaign and any campaign group – affiliated or otherwise – can send delegates.

Regional Representatives and Deputies (where applicable)


National Independence Campaigning Organisations with regular representation