Creating Scotland Event


Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 2:00 PM

Royal George Hotel

Tay St , Perth Map

Introducing Creating Scotland – A new style of indy event to introduce a new style of indy campaigning. An afternoon of music, comedy, readings and creative thinking about independence at the Royal George Hotel in Perth on Saturday, 30th March at 2pm. Tickets are £5 each - get yours here!

It has become clear that a key element missing from the Independence Campaign since 2014 has been the cultural side of the campaign and a creative element to our campaigning activities. Believe in Scotland wants to change that. Our Campaign Steering Group has set up a sub group to work towards embedding cultural and creative activities in our campaign. 'Creating Scotland' is the first of many steps in this direction and we hope you are keen to join us!

Event line up

Bruce Fummey - Stand up comedian (former Scottish Comedian of the Year), story teller and now YouTuber with over with over 215,000 Subscribers on his channel - Scotland History Tours

Sheena Wellington - Brilliant Traditional Scottish singer who sang Robert Burns song 'A Man's A Man For A' That' at the opening ceremony of the Scottish Parliament in 1999.

Graham Brown & friends - Scottish musician and singer/songwriter, well known in the movement for his brilliant pro-independence original songs. 

'Alba' - Excerpt from the play by Jack Byrne and Jordan Howatt set in 2014 as a group of S4 Classmates battle with the biggest decision of their young lives so far - the independence referendum.

The Yes Yes Band - A group of musicians and singers from Perthshire and Fife formed the band in response to ‘Time for Scotland’s’ call following the Supreme Court decision in October 2022. Since then the band have played at a number of independence events around Perthshire, supporting local Yes Groups and Burns Nights.

Cathy McSporran - The author of three novels: The Few, The Black Dog and Cold City, Cathy has been shortlisted for the Macallan/Scotland on Sunday prize, and was awarded the Constable Award by the Scottish Association of Writers. She will be reading from her captivating mystery novel Cold City, which introduces you to a major new voice in women’s literary fiction -Tina Koenig. 

Jim Mackintosh - One of the busiest and most respected poets in Scotland today. His books include ‘Flipstones’ and ‘The Banes o the Turas’, which was shortlisted for Book of the Year at the 2023 Scots Language Awards. He co-edited the critically acclaimed ‘Beyond the Swelkie’, inspiring a multimedia collaboration which premiered at Celtic Connections in 2022. He produced the Concert for Ukraine at Perth Concert Hall in 2022. From 2016-2019, he was the Poet in Residence at St Johnstone FC.

This is a ticketed event which will take place at 2PM on Saturday, 30th March 2024 at the Royal George Hotel in Perth. Tickets are £5 each. 

Get your tickets here!


March 30, 2024 at 2:00pm - 5pm


Royal George Hotel
Tay St
Perth PH1 5LD
Google map and directions