Iconic Yes image at heart of our programme to mark tenth anniversary of indyref

Believe in Scotland's Indyref anniversary programme aims to fire up the Indy movement, and send a message of both defiance and hope. We are working with several of our affiliated local Yes campaigning groups to organise a series of events around Scotland on Wednesday September 18th, the tenth anniversary of the indyref and a programme of campaigning activities that include a series of billboards, videos and social media campaigns.
We want people from across Scotland to be able to join in and so we have teamed up with The National to print a double page spread poster (see above) for independence supporters to put in their windows on the 18th.
The poster, which will also feature on billboards is an updated version of the iconic Vote Yes image from the indyref by graphic artist Stewart Bremner. The poster will be printed in The National on Wednesday the 18th.
What you can do
We hope to see thousands of posters in people's windows right across Scotland sending the message that we are Still Yes with a message that is non-party-political, friendly and iconic. So grab a copy of The National on that day, display the poster with pride and take a photo of it and share it on social media with the hashtag #StillYes and then complete the sentence ‘I #BelieveinScotland because’ and we will share across our social media.
Why mark the date?
It is important to mark the date because you can bet the Westminster centric media machine will and the independence movement needs to send a clear message that the unionists control the narrative. They will point to the General Election and pretend that means that the independence movement is down and out, so let's deny the unionist media a field day and make sure our movement's positive message is heard.
We won't stop, we will campaign till we win and we will win, because independence is the key to building a better Scotland. That’s a fact that more and more people will realise as it is already becoming obvious that no Westminster Government will ever put Scotland’s needs first regardless of the colour of its logo.”
The anniversary event itself will involve Indy Groups from across Scotland, the main event will be based in Edinburgh at the Scottish Parliament and as its a midweek event we hope that independence supporters from Edinburgh and Lothians and from across the central belt will join them at Holyrood at the main event. The rally will be live broadcasted by Indylive and Broadcasting Scotland for people who can't be there and local Indy groups are coming together in towns and cities that are too far for people to be able to travel to Edinburgh midweek and hosting their own mini events.
Those include events in Orkney, Dumfries and Aberdeen and Belive in Scotland plan to livelink to those events from the main event and show them on the video screen at Holyrood.
So the events confirmed so far include:
Edinburgh - Scottish Parliament at Horse Wynd, Edinburgh (Main Event) - 7pm
Aberdeen - Marischal College at Broad Street Marischal College, Aberdeen - 7pm
Dumfries - Loreburn Hall at Newall Terrace Loreburn Hall, Dumfries - 6pm
Orkney - The Friends Room at St Magnus Centre ,The Friends Room, Kirkwall - 6pm
Believe in Scotland’s challenge to the indy movement
Let’s mark the date with a positive message on independence and to come together to reset the indy movement and regan the momentum. We want to use this programme of events to reboot the campaign and get on the front foot whilst putting the grassroots at the forefront of the movement again.
We have a non-party-political arm of the campaign, it remains strong, it adds a different dimension and is capable of engaging voters without triggering the tribalism of party politics. We want to get that sense of an Indy family movement back again so join us and keep pushing till we win.
22,000 others have already pledged their support, because only a non-party-political independence campaign can move independence support to the levels we need to win our independence. We Believe in Scotland – Join us!