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The House of Lords to sit in judgement over Scots’ democratic rights

A House of Lords Committee is asking for submissions for a report on the state of the Union between Scotland and England. The report will be issued to mark 25 years of the Scottish Parliament, with the call for evidence ending on the 8th of April.

The fact that a House of Lords committee of elderly Unionists thinks it has the legitimacy to sit in judgement over the democratic rights of Scots will anger many.

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Sunak fails to mention how the Conservative Party has failed Scotland over energy

Rishi Sunak in Aberdeen today at the Scottish Conservative Conference argued that the UK Government should be trusted with Scotland’s energy – oil, gas, and renewables. But he didn’t talk about how the UK has played ducks and drakes with Scotland’s natural resources. They have failed Scotland in the past – so why should Scotland trust the Conservatives with Scotland’s energy future?

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The dog that didn't bark - what Starmer didn't say to Scotland

At Labour’s Scottish conference Keir Starmer made a plea to independence supporters to lend their vote to Labour at the next General Election. Standing on a stage carefully clear of Union Jacks - in contrast to the UK conference - Starmer claimed to personify “the change Scotland needs”. 

But what does the Labour offer really amount to? What Starmer DIDN’T say in the speech is as important as what he did.

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The UK enters recession – Three points Scots need to know

The UK is now officially in recession. It is doing worse than comparable countries in terms of both growth and inflation and has earned the nickname “Stagnation Nation”. 

Scotland’s people are being let down. An independent Scotland back in the EU could hope to achieve the kind of growth and prosperity that similar sized countries without the same amount of resources achieve. Instead it is being dragged down by the choices Westminster makes. Here are three points Scots need to know

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Five things Scots need to know about Ireland's constitutional future

There will be a poll on Irish unification within the next 6 years, by 2030, Mary Lou McDonald the Sinn Fein president told Sky News last Thursday – a few days after her party’s Michelle O’Neill became First Minister of Northern Ireland. She said: “Irish people, north and south, will make that call without coercion or impediment.” She also reached out to British viewers, saying: “Please respect our right to make that decision.”

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The Big 2024 Independence Movement Survey

Can 2024 be the year independence takes and sustains a lead in the polls? How confident are you on the road to independence? Are you up for it, or scunnered by political roadblocks? What's your activity and motivation level? Who should make the running now, the grassroots or still the politicians?

These are just some of the questions we need answers to – we will publish the results on the Believe in Scotland website later this month.

Please let us know what you are thinking and how you are feeling by clicking below and taking part in the third annual Big Independence Movement Survey! 

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How long can Scotland afford to let England control its borders?

As part of the UK, Scotland has given control of its border into the hands of the larger country to the south. However many independence-supporting MPs Scotland elects, it will never be enough to give it a meaningful say over immigration at Westminster. 

Under the devolution settlement, Holyrood does not have the right to be consulted – or even informed – on immigration rules. 

Whatever the political colour of the next Parliament, immigration policy is something that will continue to be decided above Scotland’s head without any regard to what works for Scotland or what the Scottish people vote for at the ballot box. 

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