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What an independent Scotland can learn from Denmark
Denmark is about two thirds the size of Scotland with a slightly larger population of 5.8 million. It comes in the top five of the Scotianomics Wellbeing Index. It is also far wealthier – the GDP per head is about twice that of Scotland. So how does independence work for Denmark? Here are five lessons for an independent Scotland.
Too wee, too poor for independence? Malta didn't think so - lessons for Scotland
Today, Malta is a successful small independent country, the smallest in the EU. But when it sought its independence from Britain, it was told it was too wee and too poor to make a go of it. Sound familiar?
Six things Tommy Sheppard gets wrong about the proposed Citizens’ Convention
Article written by Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp
I feel the need to respond to the article in The National by Tommy Sheppard entitled, ‘We must take this step to independence before a citizens' convention’. The article focuses on Tommy’s response to Believe in Scotland’s report, ‘The Scottish Citizens’ Convention’ CREATING A BETTER SCOTLAND’.
Delivering independence via a new style Citizens’ Convention
The National Campaign Steering Group of Believe in Scotland has proposed a new path to independence for Scotland, one that circumnavigates the unfair and completely undemocratic roadblocks set up by Westminster. A Citizens' Convention means everyone will be heard on this new road to an independent Scotland.
Labour are Celebrating the UK’s Last Chance Saloon
This election became the get rid of the Tories election and with Scottish voters put into that UK Election mindset it meant one thing: Vote Labour.
Labour are Celebrating the UK’s Last Chance Saloon. They've struck gold in England with a Thatcheresk manifesto but that will turn around and bite them in Scotland as voters realise it's a change in name only. Their programme for Government will be toxic here and independence support will surge before Holyrood 26.
We don’t stop, we will never give up and we will win.
Unionist politicians think they just killed independence stone dead.
Let’s prove them wrong!
We don’t stop, we will never give up, we will campaign until we win and we will win.
Why Westminster is broken regardless of what happens on July 4th
Polling experts predicting the results of the UK general election agree on one thing - it is likely to be the most distorted result in modern history because of the effects of the first past the post voting system. But this is just more evidence that Westminster is broken and Scotland would be better off out from under it and able to begin life as a fully independent country.
Scotland's pupils are among the best readers in the western world
Education in Scotland is making real achievements. Unionist politicians and media exaggerate the difference between English and Scottish pupils in the international comparison table PISA. UK politicians brag that English children are “among the best readers in the western world” - well so are Scots as there is only half a percentage difference in the two countries’ scores.
Silence over Brexit won't make it go away
Brexit is getting worse, not better. It is strangling the UK’s most important trading relationships. Now we have come through Covid it is getting easier to see that the UK is falling behind similar economies in terms of growth and productivity.
Independence lessons: How Ireland built a strong economy
Ireland is a stable and prosperous independent country. It has used the powers of independence to build a strong and diverse economy.