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Labour are Celebrating the UK’s Last Chance Saloon

This election became the get rid of the Tories election and with Scottish voters put into that UK Election mindset it meant one thing: Vote Labour. 

Labour are Celebrating the UK’s Last Chance Saloon. They've struck gold in England with a Thatcheresk manifesto but that will turn around and bite them in Scotland as voters realise it's a change in name only. Their programme for Government will be toxic here and independence support will surge before Holyrood 26.

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Scotland's pupils are among the best readers in the western world

Education in Scotland is making real achievements. Unionist politicians and media exaggerate the difference between English and Scottish pupils in the international comparison table PISA. UK politicians brag that English children are “among the best readers in the western world” - well so are Scots as there is only half a percentage difference in the two countries’ scores. 

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